Address collector

Highlighting the guest address collector tool


The Guest team is responsible for it’s namesake- guest communication tools, including the guest list.

Preparing the guest list is one of the first tasks couples must perform in order to move forward with wedding planning. We wanted to make this easier by making a clearer offering of our guest address collection tool.

About this project

2023 - 2024

Karishma Kapur, Senior Product Manager
Christine Choi, Senior UX Writer
Rob Isaac, Engineering Manager
Angel Esquembre, Senior Data Analyst
Michelle DiBartolo, UX Research Manager
Kalyn Conley, Senior Product Marketing Manager


We explored a myriad of design solutions before finalizing our approach


Project TLDR

In Q4 2023, our team took on a small-ish project to bring our address collection tool to the forefront of the guest list, making it easier to find and use. This work resulted in a 2% lift to high value actions overall, with a 12.6% increase to Marketplace HVA’s.


Design Process

Users could not access the universal link for new guests from the zero state

Current experience

The existing guest list zero state had long been in need of a facelift, and this was a great opportunity to get one in.

The existing path to finding the guest address collection functionality is hidden within the active guest list, in the ‘Add guest’ CTA button dropdown menu. This brings users to a page with the universal link for new guests.

There is another version of this functionality with a unique link for existing guests. Users may bulk message existing guests their unique links respectively, which will allow guests to update any incorrect or missing information on their profile. Unfortunately, this is only available in the guest messaging feature, which is not clear from the guest list.

Users can access the universal link from the active state

The guest messaging feature can share the unique link to existing guests

Audit: TK & competitors

We started by taking a quick audit of our platform and our competitors’. We noted how this feature has become more common, and that some have built it out to be much more robust.

An iterative approach

The way the address collection feature was originally built created two separate links. Couples could use these links to ask their guests to enter their own info and mailing addresses, giving couples one less task. However, with two separate links that were both hard to find, <1% of users were utilizing the feature.

Although we explored many ideas, no design or UX writing solution could truly address the faults of the system. We resolved that giving users more access to this feature would be a good step to show the value in further investment. The best evolution would improve the technical structure and ultimately create one simple link as a next iteration.

Users will see a toast validating their action

The "view form" link opens the actual form in a new tab

We updated the "add guest" menu with new copy and styling

User research

We felt usability testing would be especially important for this feature, as the different uses for the two link types requires some extra attention to detail.


The test prototype allowed users to click any button and progress to the active guest list


Learning objective

Assess whether users find the address collection feature within the new guest list zero state quick and easy to use
Assess whether users find the address collection feature within the new guest list active state quick and easy to use


The two link types may be confusing
The address collection feature will be well received, as it is useful for users in addressing a common pain point

What we tested

Starting and exploring the guest list

Unmoderated User Testing


Users had very positive feedback regarding the new look & the address collection feature as an option for starting or editing their guest list, stating that it felt straight forward, useful and would save them time and energy.

As expected, some users got a little tripped up with the two different address collection links, but they were able to find their way as they clicked around.

Outcomes & next steps

This work resulted in a 2% lift to high value actions overall, with a 12.6% increase to Marketplace HVAs and a 5% lift to wedding website pre-HVAs. We also heard great user feedback about the new look for the guest list zero state.

This first iteration brought more visibility to the address collection tool, and we hope to prioritize the next iteration for this feature in 2024. The next iteration would include more backend work to connect the two link types together with a reimagined flow that would work for both new and existing guests, and accounting for the possibility of creating duplicates.

Another next step here would be to bring this update to iOS, which we’ve begun exploring. Bandwidth prevented us from executing this work concurrently with web, but the design would also need to accommodate platform specific needs such as greater visibility for adding from contacts.

Quick explorations for an update to iOS